Karting Australia message to Karting Victoria and Clubs October 29th

Good Evening,

It is with delight that we can confirm the updated Public Health Orders issued tonight provide the ability for Clubs to host Competition effectively as of 6pm Friday October 29 – tonight.

This now means that both Metropolitan Melbourne Clubs and Regional Clubs can also operate under the same levels of restrictions.Importantly, there is also further clarification surrounding the vaccination status for all attendees aged 16 years and over.Please see below for Karting Australia’s advice based on the Government’s Directions for Activities and Competition in Victoria.

All Victorian Clubs
– Open for all ages for training and competition. All people aged 16 years or over are highly recommended to be fully vaccinated, or an “excepted person” (see Page 2 for the definition and requirements), to attend the facility.
* Clarification on the above point is that under the Public Health Directions Community Sport is exempt from requiring all attendees to be fully vaccinated, however, it is Karting Australia’s recommendation for all attendees to be fully vaccinated.
* Based on the above, there is no government requirement for Clubs to check the vaccination status of each attendee.
– Limited to the minimum number of people required to participate in and facilitate the activity (i.e. Drivers, Coaches, Officials).
– Spectators are permitted up to a maximum of 30 people who are not directly involved as a Driver, Mechanic, Official or other personnel facilitating the activity.
– Masks will continue to be required to be carried at all times and worn by ALL attendees everywhere indoors or a social distance is unable to be maintained, unless an exemption applies.
– COVID-19 Check-In Officers as per Victorian Government Covid Safe requirements. It is important to note that all of the information above is subject to change and based on the latest information provided from the respective governments.
Should you have any questions Lee Hanatschek on 07 5655 4341 (email lee@karting.net.au) or your Pam Arnett on
0409 334 175 (email vka@bigpond.net.au).
Best Regards and Stay Safe
Kelvin O’Reilly
Chief Executive Officer

Vaccination status
(1) A person’s vaccination status is one of the following:
(a) fully vaccinated; or
(b) excepted person.
(2) A person is fully vaccinated if the person has received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
(3) A person is an excepted person if:
(a) the person holds certification from a medical practitioner that the person is unable to receive a dose, or a further dose, of a COVID-19 vaccine due to a medical contraindication; or
(b) the person holds certification from a medical practitioner that the person is unable to receive a dose, or a further dose, of a COVID-19 vaccine due to an acute medical illness (including where the person has been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2); or
(c) the person is under 16 years of age.
(4) A certification for the purpose of subclause (3)(b) is effective until the earlier of:
(a) the date specified by the medical practitioner; or
(b) the date 6 months from the date the certification was given by the medical practitioner.

PDF release